Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dont' get rob of your dreams

Why do so many people let their dreams die unlive?

One reason is the negative cynical attitudes of other people. These people are not enemies, they are actually friends, colleagues and even family members. If our friends are negative towards our dreams or aspirations – then our friends can kill us.

A man gets excited about the possibility of a new job or a new idea. He sees the opportunity to make money, do more meaningful work, rise to a personal challenge; revving up for this stimulating new prospect. But then when he tells his neighbor about it one evening, he gets a smirk, a laugh that says, “You can’t do that”, and a foot long list of all the problems and obstacles and fifty reasons why he will never make it and is better off to stay where he is.

His enthusiasm disintegrates. He loses all his fire and self-confidence and begins to think of all the reasons why he can’t make it, instead of the reasons that he can....*sigh*

Friends can do more damage than a dozen enemies. Remember, the easiest thing to find on earth is someone to tell you all the things that you cannot be. Don’t listen to them!

If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen. Don’t let your brother-in-law, your plumber or the guy in the next office, rob you of that faith in yourself that makes things happen. Don’t let the guy who lives on the couch and watches TV every night tell you how futile life is.

If you have the flame of a dream deep down inside you somewhere, do something about it! Don't let anyone else blow it out. Believe you can and you will find you can. TRY! You will be surprised at how many good things can happen to you.

The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe
In The Beauty Of Their Dreams.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~


Gembo said...

Salam CQ - I agree 100% to your posting. Kadang2 of all people, our own family are the worst - with comments like "pandai ko kan", "camana kau kan balik - jauh tu", "payah tu", or even "camana ko kan makan"

thanks for posting - it should be an inspiration

CiliQueen said...

Salam Gembo, well they have their own thoughts, but we have to be strong and take that as a 'motivation' to prove them wrong. You got to have faith and believe in your own dreams :)

thanks for supporting :)