Alhamdulillah. With Allah's divine grace and blessings, the Arab-Families has departed safely to the Holy City for Umrah this evening.
The group will be transiting in Singapore for a night stay and will continue the journey to Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, tomorrow morning.

A '
doa selamat' was held at the Serikandi Restaurant for the intending Arab-Families umrah group on last Thursday, 12 June 2008.
Mdm Tiff liased with a TTA personnel on the total count of baggages and boxes before checking-in.
Bigboss made sure the trolleys of baggages and boxes were in line for check-in.
The Arab-Families' Umrah group
A lesser form of pilgrimage to Makkah Al-Mukarramah that is not obligatory for Muslims, unlike the hajj, and can be performed at any time of year.

Ayahanda - Shaikh Hj Ahmad and Bonda - Sharifah Hjh Maimunah
with BinKhalid
Shaikh Hj Said @BinSaid - representing his family- with Mdm Jarah and X-kid. The Bling-bling Sistas and Golden boy could not be found for picture taking.. *sigh*
Mr & Mrs Sam and their two youngest daughters, Mira & Melia, will be joining the umrah trip.
Bigboss will be accompanying the Arab-Families' group.

Shaikh Hj Khalid - Head of the Arab-Families' umrah group - brings along his whole family to perform the umrah. Pictured here are only Mdm Tiff and
Cici - the rest CQ can't gather them together ...all running here and there huhu
Sherry and Geerah will be among the umrah pilgrims and also to 'babysit' UmiQ :)

Ladybiker will be the 'doctor cum nurse' for
Ayahanda and
Shami will represent his dad - Senor Pablo, mom - Bunny Pablo and his brothers - Fejj, Marshmellow Boy and FunBoy.
UmiQ - her first umrah trip without her family, represent her dad - BinAzmi, mom - Mdm Rose and her sister - UmiFanah and brother - BinAbid.
His Honourable, Dato Paduka Hj Hamdillah made a courtesy send-off to Shaikh Hj Ahmad and the Arab-Families group at the airport.

Sisters - Sharifah Hjh Aisah and Sharifah Hjh Hasiah came all the way from KB to send off their eldest brother - Shaikh Hj Ahmad.
A doa was read by an Ustaz.
Some candid and sad moments at the airport
cousins - Melia, Mira, Kimchi, UmiFanah and UmiQ

Mr. Sam and the Boys

The female members of Arab-Families with BinKhalid

Bunny Pablo's family were also at the airport to send Shami off.

Bling-Bling Sistas with Mdm Rose and UmiFanah.

Rara, Cici, Mr. LV, Sweetcherry and Mdm Aini

Bigboss with Kimchi

Sham is either feeling too tired with excitement or he's already felt 'missing'..

aawwwwwww - peewweeettttttttt
May they have a safe journey to the Holy CityLabayk Allahuma LabaykLabayk. La shareeka laka Labayk. Innal hamda wannimata laka wal mulkLa shareeka Lak .. (Here I am at your service, oh Lord, Here I am. Here I am. No partner do you have. Here I am. Truly, the praise and the favor are yours, and the dominion. No partner do you have.)

BinKhalid & Mdm Tiff

Bigboss and the Sams

Mr. LV -
the accompanying MutawwifCQ apologised to Hj Hisham and Syafiq - who are part of the group, for not able to post their pictures here becoz CQ couldn't find them at the airport *sigh*'s not easy to be a mamarazzi OK!
__________hours before__________
Alhamdulillah, Bigboss and CQ are sweet seventeen today ..huhu

This yummy mousse cake which CQ requested for mars bars as filling - can be ordered from
Bunny Yummies
the oozing mars bars will drool you till you drop huhu ..

CQ made a special soto or/and mee soto for lunch. The dark green mass is actually cili padi - you can't eat without that!! hmmm those who have tried will know what CQ meant huhu ..Hey! people don't call Ciliqueen without a reason OK! lols ...but CQ will not be held responsible if you blow your top off ...hehehe pedassssss lerrr
_________in the morning________
Remember this
post? Yes! Kimchi was announced the winner. CQ and Bigboss are so proud of her. Keep it up! Believe in your ability and capacity to achieve and succeed in your dreams!

That's all people! CQ is so exhausted ...zzzzzzzzzzzz
Thank you very much for the post. Really appreciate it. At least, someone who is left behind can do the post and you did a good job of it. Congrats to Kimchi on winning the competition. Also, I can't wait to go home and taste that soto of yours.. hhuhuuuu
Thanks! hmm anyway Bunny & Daboys had it too yesterday ..yup! will make again on your return ..huhu :)
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