Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A peep into A-list cake kitchen ..

It is not everyday that you get a special 'invitation' to tour in Bunny Pablo's world of cake baking but somehow, today is like 'langkah kanan' for CQ hehehe ...special photo shoot for Bunny Yummies! and let's do some peeping into this A-list cake kitchen :D

At about 8pm on the dot, CQ and Kimchi arrived at Bunny's crib armed ..err of course with CQ's good buddy lah ...my baby Canon - sekadar hahahahaha ..

Hmmm CQ can really smell those freshly baked cakes upon stepping out from my car. Waaah you can go goo-goo-ga-ga and drooling with those sweet and tempting smells ..let alone sampling or eating Bunny Yummies' cakes and desserts ....yooohh

Ohh this is the machine that goes grrrrrrrr or zzrrrrrrr when Bunny used it for whisking all the cake ingredients into frothy mixture or ...sorry ehh CQ don't know all about baking terms hehehe..so CQ used own descriptions ok ..

this is the bowl and spinner hehe ..

CQ caught this in action when Bunny was pouring milk into
the chocolate mixture hmmm ..cool

then the chocolate mixture is being poured into the baking dish lined with a white paper as its base ..

This picture shows how Bunny cuts the pastry puff into segments ..

The segmented puff is then lightly cut in the middle to form kind of 'lourves' effects, CQ thinks this is to allow air into the puff so as to prevent the fillings from bursting out from the puff when baking hmmm CQ forgot to ask Bunny ..but you definitely must have PATIENCE!

Anyway, stay tune for more updates of the latest and newest cakes, desserts and finger foods from Bunny Yummies. CQ is not going to spoil her FUN hehehe ..this is just a little peep!

Ohhh CQ saw Fun Boy too ...a big help to his mother. CQ heard how Bunny asked Fun Boy to count the pastries ...and Fun Boy eagerly counted 'satu, dua, tiga ...' hehehe :))

Fun Boy Pablo

Hey! where's Kimchi? She did come with CQ ...ohhhh there she was sitting in one corner enjoying the samplings hahahaha ...not enuff ehh Aunty Bunny!!!

p.s. At this moment, Bunny Yummies is busy with orders, so be patient - she will update soon!


Senor Pablo said...

Thanks for the great post. hahaa. But where are the cakes fotos? Oh! Seeing Funboy was double bonus!!

CiliQueen said...

Ohh the cakes' fotos will be up soon hehehe ...